Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Khoa Công nghệ Động lực
Đại học Công nghiệp TP.HCM
Đại học Công nghiệp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Khoa Công nghệ Động lực
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Chủ đề năm học
Công bố khoa học
1Lam Kim Thanh Vo, Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, Bao Loc Nguyen, Thanh Tam Tran. 2024-07-15. Analysis of the Effect of Materials on the Thermal Change of the Clutch Friction Disc 978-981-97-1868-9. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies
2Tien Phuc Dang, Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, Van Hau Tran. 2024-07-15. Comparison of Aerodynamic Characteristics With and Without Wind Deflector for Truck 978-981-97-1868-9. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies
3Giang Luong Huynh, Chau Vo Tan, and Giang Le Hieu. 2024-07-13. Optimization of Target Value of the Volumetric Efficiency by Renovating the Design of Vikyno RV165-2 Diesel Engine Intake Manifold by Using Simulation and Artificial Neural Network 1865-3537/978-981-97-1868-9. Green Energy and Technology/Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies
4Tai The Mai, Chau Vo Tan, Long Dang Tran, and Vang Ba Huynh. 2024-07-13. The Effect of EGR Ratios and Ambient Temperatures on Diesel Combustion Characteristics in Constant Volume Combustion Chamber 1865-3537,978-981-97-1868-9. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies. ICSET 2023. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Singapore.
5Chau Vo Tan, Phung Van Hieu, and Vu Viet Thang. 2024-07-13. Comparative Study on the Effects of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends for Performance and Emissions Characteristics In-Use Motorcycle SI Engine 1865-3537,978-981-97-1868-9. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies. ICSET 2023. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Singapore.
6Long H. Duong, Chau Vo Tan, and Iman K. Reksowardojo. 2024-07-13. The Effects of Ring Types of Typical Cycloparaffins and Aromatics Presented in Biofuels to the Sooting Tendency and Freezing Point 1865-3537,978-981-97-1868-9. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies. ICSET 2023. Green Energy and Technology. Springer, Singapore.
7Dinh Cong Huong. 2024-07-06. Recurrent neural network learning algorithm-based event-triggered observer of the permanent magnet synchronous motor 2306-6172. Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications
8Dinh Cong Huong. 2024-06-09. Event-Triggered State Observer Design for a Class of Nonlinear Time-Delay Fractional-Order Systems 0278-081X. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
9Chau Tan Vo, Tai The Mai, Au Hai Ho, Long Dang Tran. 2024-06-05. Effects of injection pressures on diesel combustion characteristics at low temperature combustion conditions in a constant volume combustion chamber 1976-3824,1738-494X. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
10Van Thanh Huynh, Chee Peng Lim, Zoran Najdovski, Dinh Cong Huong, Hieu Trinh. 2024-05-01. Minimal operation region prediction for networked control robotic manipulators subject to time‐varying delays and disturbances 1751-8644. IET Control Theory & Applications
11Đỗ Văn Năng. 2024-04-26. Optimum First Model Shape Frequency of a New Gripper Employing an Artificial Neural Network 2369-0747. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
12Phan Văn Nhựt. 2024-04-22. Phân tích tác động nhận thức môi trường của khách hàng đến xu hướng sử dụng thiết bị thông minh trên ôtô 0866-7756. TẠP CHÍ CÔNG THƯƠNG
13Hồ Trọng Du. 2024-04-12. Chuyển đổi và đánh giá xe máy sử dụng nhiên liệu LPG 978-604-76-2891-9. Kỷ yếu hội nghị các nhà khoa học trẻ, học viên cao học và nghiên cứu sinh lần thứ nhất-năm 2024
14Dinh Cong Huong. 2024-04-10. Event-triggered $H_{\infty}$ control for fractional-order time-delay systems 1561-8625. Asian Journal of Control
15Phạm Sơn Tùng, Hoàng Ngọc Dương, Nguyễn Khôi Nguyên. 2024-04-05. Design and simulation of structural durability of passenger car front in collision 1859-2252. Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ thủy sản
16Phạm Sơn Tùng, Hoàng Ngọc Dương, Nguyễn Khôi Nguyên. 2024-04-05. Researching the force absorption system for the front of the passenger car to secure the driver 1859-2252. Tạp chí Khoa học - Công nghệ thủy sản
17Dinh Cong Huong, Van Thanh Huynh, Hieu Trinh. 2024-04-03. Design of event-triggered natural second-order observers for second-order vector systems 0959-6518. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
18Giang Luong Huynh, Chau Vo Tan. 2024-03-28. The intake port of DI-Engine type Vikyno RV165 Designed using 3D-CAE software 1859-2252. Tạp Chí Khoa học-Công Nghệ Thủy Sản
19Dinh Cong Huong. 2024-03-26. Design of distributed event-triggered states and unknown disturbances observers for time-varying delay interconnected systems 0890-6327. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
20Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, Van Nhu Tran, Van Tan Vu, Tien Phuc Dang. 2024-02-29. Active Suspension with PID Control for Enhanced Rollover Stability in Liquid Tank Trucks 2116-7087. Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises
21Dinh Cong Huong. 2024-02-10. Design of an Event-Triggered State Feedback Control for Fractional-Order Interconnected Systems 2195-3880. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
22K.H. Nguyen, M. Masomtob, B. Kerdsup, S. Karukanan, P. Champa, T.D. Pham, S. Hirai, C.T.Vo, P. Kummoo, C. Charoenphonphanich. 2024-01-29. Efficiency Evaluation on Cooling Behavior of Water-Cooling Jacket for Synchronous Reluctance Motor 2229-2152(Print),2697-424x(Online). Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering
23Đặng Tiến Phúc, Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc, Lê Hoàng Tú. 2024-01-20. Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của thiết bị khuếch tán gió cản sau đến đặc tính khí động lực học ô tô P-1859-3585;E-2615-9619. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội
24Kien Pham Van, Tan Nguyen Thanh, Son Le Huu, Nhanh Van Nguyen, Ngoc Xuan Nguyen and Hay Nguyen. 2023-12-14. Study of the efficiency of radio frequency assisted heat pump drying of shrimp 1755-1315. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
25D Thao, V T Chau, N H Khan, S Mek, S Hirai, and L Visarn. 2023-12-12. Study of Variable Operating Parameters Effect on PEMFC Performance 978-616-398-916-1. Proceedings of the 13th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
26HOÀNG NGỌC DƯƠNG,NGUYỄN XUÂN NGỌC, BÙI MINH NHẬT, TRẦN THANH TÂM. 2023-11-25. ỨNG DỤNG MATLAB GUI TÍNH TOÁN KẾT CẤU HỘP SỐ THƯỜNG Ô TÔ 978-604-920-197-4. Hội nghị Khoa học trẻ lần thứ 5 năm 2023
27VÕ LÂM KIM THANH,NGUYỄN XUÂN NGỌC, NGUYỄN TUẤN VŨ, TRẦN THANH TÂM. 2023-11-25. NGHIÊN CỨU TÍNH TOÁN TỈ SỐ TRUYỀN CỦA HỘP SỐ THƯỜNG Ô TÔ 978-604-920-197-4. Hội nghị Khoa học trẻ lần thứ 5 năm 2023
28VÕ LÂM KIM THANH,NGUYỄN XUÂN NGỌC, NGUYỄN DUY TÂM, TRẦN THANH TÂM. 2023-11-25. THIẾT KẾ CHẾ TẠO MÔ HÌNH LY HỢP KẾT HỢP VỚI HỘP SỐ CƠ KHÍ 978-604-920-197-4. Hội nghị Khoa học trẻ lần thứ 5 năm 2023
30NGUYỄN NGỌC HUYỀN TRANG. 2023-11-25. THIẾT KẾ CHẾ TẠO ĐẦU KÉO XE LĂN TAY CHO NGƯỜI KHUYẾT TẬT 978-604-920-197-4. Hội nghị Khoa học Trẻ lần 5 - YSC 2023
31NGUYỄN NGỌC HUYỀN TRANG. 2023-11-25. THIẾT KẾ CHẾ TẠO XE MÁY ĐIỆN VỚI HỆ THỐNG CHIẾU SÁNG VÀ XI NHAN THÔNG MINH 978-604-920-197-4. Hội nghị Khoa học Trẻ lần 5 - YSC 2023
32Dinh Cong Huong. 2023-11-01. State estimation for a class of fractional-order uncertain nonlinear systems 2306-6172. Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications
33D.C. Huong, V.T. Huynh, N.G.M. Thao, T.P. Dang, H. Trinh. 2023-10-24. State Estimation for a New Battery and Motor Circuit Model of an Electric Vehicle Using Event-Triggered Functional Interval Observers 1549-8328. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
34Dinh Cong Huong. 2023-10-19. Event-triggered guaranteed cost control for uncertain polytopic fractional-order systems subject to unknown time-varying delays 0009-725X. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2
35Dinh Cong Huong. 2023-09-19. Event-triggered state and fault simultaneous estimation for nonlinear systems with time delays 0142-3312. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
36Vo Tan Chau, Tran Dang Long, Huynh Ba Vang, Duong Hoang Long, Nguyen Huu Huong. 2023-09-15. Design of a constant volume combustion chamber with optical approach technique 2525-2267. Journal of Science and Technology - Industrial University of HCMC
37Dinh Cong Huong, Dang Tien Phuc. 2023-09-01. Discrete-time event-triggered state estimation of permanent magnet synchronous motor 0959-6518. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
38Võ Lâm Kim Thanh/Nguyễn Khôi Nguyên. 2023-08-31. Nghiên cứu chế tạo mô hình dạy lái ô tô 1859-2333. Tạp chí khoa học Đại học Cần Thơ
39Đỗ Văn Năng, Trương Đặng Hoài Thu, Nguyễn Ngọc Giàu. 2023-08-07. TÍNH HỢP LÝ CỦA BA ĐỊNH LUẬT NEWTON VỀ CHUYỂN ĐỘNG 2525-2267. Tạp Chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TP.HCM
40D.C. Huong. 2023-07-01. Discrete-time event-triggered finite-time non-fragile control of uncertain fractional-order singular systems 2238-3603. Computational and Applied Mathematics
41Ngoc Duong Hoang/Khoi Nguyen Nguyen, Son Tung Pham. 2023-05-12. Analysis of The Effect of Side Mirrors on Vehicle Aerodynamics 2265-6294. Res Militaris
42Dinh Cong Huong. 2023-05-01. Reduced-Order State Estimation for a Class of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems 1531-5878. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
43Vo Tan Chau, Tran Dang Long, Huynh Ba Vang, Nguyen Minh Hoang, Ngo Hoang Phuc, Nguyen Quoc Sy. 2023-04-19. A study on the injection rate characteristics of the solenoid common-rail injector under using a high-pressure fuel system 2180-3722. Jurnal Teknologi
44Le Anh Duc/Pham Van Kien, Nguyen Thanh Tan, Doan Thanh Son, Nhanh Van Nguyen, Ngoc Xuan Nguyen. 2023-04-13. Heat and mass transfer in drying of carrot by radio frequency assisted heat pump drying 2151-8629. Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer
45D.C. Huong, T.N. Nguyen, H.T. Le, H. Trinh. 2023-03-18. Event‐triggered state estimation for nonlinear systems aid by machine learning 1561-8625. Asian Journal of Control
46Mai The Tai, Vo Tan Chau, Duong Hoang Long, Do Quoc Am, Huynh Ba Vang, Nguyen Huu Huong. 2023-02-28. Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Biodiesel–Ethanol Dual Fuel: An Overview 2615-9740. JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION SCIENCE
47Xuan Ngoc Nguyen/Thanh Tam Tran. 2023-02-28. Rollover Stability Dynamic Analysis of Passenger Vehicle in Moving Conditions 2369-0739,2369-0747. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
48Dinh Cong Huong, Saeid Nahavandi, Hieu Trinh. 2023-01-31. Event-Triggered State and Disturbance Estimation for Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Time-Varying Delays 2168-2267. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
49Dinh Cong Huong. 2023-01-11. Finite-time boundedness and finite-time stabilization boundedness for nonlinear interconnected systems with Atangana–Baleanu–Caputo fractional derivative 0142-3312. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
50Vo Viet Tri, Dinh Cong Huong, Pham Nu Ngoc Diep. 2022-12-17. State estimation problem for fractional-order neural networks using event-triggered state observers 2041-3041. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
51Dinh Cong Huong. 2022-10-31. Discrete-time dynamic event-triggered H-infinity control of uncertain neural networks subject to time delays and disturbances 1099-1514. OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS
52Võ Tấn Châu, Trần Đăng Long, Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ, Cao Quang Khải, Nguyễn Thành Nhân,Lê Vũ Minh Hào. 2022-10-28. A Study on LPG-Injection-Based Speed Regulator for Dual Fuel Diesel Engine 2615-9740. JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION SCIENCE
53Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc, Đặng Tiến Phúc, Lưu Văn Dương, Võ Lâm Kim Thanh, Hồ Anh Cường, Nguyễn Khôi Nguyên, Nguyễn Bảo Lộc. 2022-07-14. Ứng dụng thuật toán di truyền để tối ưu các thông số bộ điều khiển PID của hệ thống treo chủ động trên ô tô 978-604-357-047-2. HỘI THẢO KHOA HỌC QUỐC GIA ỨNG DỤNG CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG MINH TRONG CÔNG NGHIỆP 4.0 THÀNH PHỐ THÔNG MINH VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN BỀN VỮNG
54Du Trọng Hồ, Mến Văn Trương, Quang Thanh Lê, Dư Quang Phạm. 2022-06-29. THIẾT KẾ, CHẾ TẠO VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ HỆ THỐNG PHUN NHIÊN LIỆU LPG CHO XE GẮN MÁY 2815-6072;E-2815-6099. Tạp chí khoa học - Trường Đại Học Trà Vinh
55Dinh Cong Huong, Hieu Trinh. 2022-06-26. Dynamic event‐triggered distributed interval functional observers for interconnected systems 1934-6093. Asian Journal of Control
56Dinh Cong Huong, Huynh Van Thanh, Hieu Trinh. 2022-06-13. Event-Triggered Functional Observer Design With -Convergence for Interconnected Systems 1937-9234.
57Dinh Cong Huong, Hieu Trinh. 2022-04-11. Event‐triggered state estimation for recurrent neural networks with unknown time‐varying delays 1099-1239. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
58Dinh Cong Huong. 2022-03-07. Secure interval estimations for time-varying delay interconnected systems using novel distributed functional observers 1099-1115. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
59Võ Tấn Châu, Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ, Trần Anh Tuấn, Trần Văn Nguyện, Nguyễn Minh Trung, Cao Lê Hoàng Hiệp, Dương Trực Nhân. 2022-01-27. Nghiên cứu cải tiến hệ thống nhiên liệu động cơ xe gắn máy ứng dụng nhiên liệu ethanol 2525-2267. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TP Hồ Chí Minh
60Vo Tan Chau, Duong Hoang Long, Chinda Charoenphonphanich. 2022-01-01. Experimental study on injection characteristics of Hydrotreated vegetable oil in a diesel engine common rail system 2525-2267. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ trường Đại học Công nghiệp TPHCM
61Minh Hung Vu, Ngoc Thai Huynh, Khoi Nguyen Nguyen, Anh Son Tran, Quoc Manh Nguyen. 2022-01-01. Optimal Stress and Strain of Helical Gear and Rack in the Steering System 2369-0739. Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
62Thanh-Tam Nguyen, Cong-Thanh Nguyen, Van-Sy Nguyen & Duc-Nam Nguyen. 2022-01-01. Optimal Design for Body Structure of Coach Bus to Satisfy Rollover Collision Safety Based on ECE R66 Standard 2195-4356/978-3-030-99665-9. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
63Võ Tấn Châu, Trần Đăng Long, Nguyễn Thanh Hùng, Nguyễn Hữu Ân, Trần Chí Thuận. 2022-01-01. Thiết kế hệ thống điều khiển cho buồng cháy đẳng tích 978-604-920-156-1. Kỷ yếu hội nghị khoa học trẻ lần 4 năm 2022 (YSC2022)
64Vo Tan Chau, Tran Dang Long, Nguyen Quoc Sy, Cao Quang Khai, Nguyen Thanh Nhan, Le Vu Minh Hao. 2022-01-01. A Study on LPG injection based speed regulator for dual fuel diesel engine 2615-9740. Tạp chí Khoa học Giáo dục Kỹ thuật-ĐH SPKT TP.HCM
65Van Nhu Tran, Xuan Ngoc Nguyen, Van Tan Vu, Tien Phuc Dang. 2022-01-01. ROLLOVER STABILITY ANALYSIS OF LIQUID TANK TRUCK TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE ROAD PROFILES 1451-4117. Journal of Applied Engineering Science
66Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc/Nguyễn Công Chánh, Trần Thanh Tâm, Nguyễn Bảo Lộc, Nguyễn Khôi Nguyên. 2022-01-01. PHÂN TÍCH ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA VẬT LIỆU ĐẾN BIẾN DẠNG CỦA ĐĨA MA SÁT TRONG Ô TÔ 978-604-920-156-1. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị khoa học trẻ lần 4 năm 2022 (Young Scientists Conference IUH 2022)
67Mai Thế Tài, Võ Tấn Châu, Trần Đăng Long. 2022-01-01. Experimental analysis on combustion characteristics of biofuels by using constant volume combustion chamber: An overview 978-604-920-164-6. The 2nd international conference on advanced technology and sustainable development (ICATSD 2022)-International symposium on precision machining and advanced technologies (ISPMAT 2022)
68Xuan Ngoc Nguyen/Van Nhu Tran, Van Tan Vu, Tien Phuc Dang, Thanh Tam Tran. 2022-01-01. ANALYZE THE INFLUENCE OF ROAD PROFILES ON THE COMFORT OF PASSENGERS IN SLEEPER BUS 978-604-920-164-6. The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sustainable Development - 2022 (ICATSD 2022)
69Tien Phuc Dang/Xuan Ngoc Nguyen. 2022-01-01. NUMERICAL SIMULATION AERODYNAMICS CHARACTERISTIC OF BICYCLE HELMET 978-604-920-164-6. The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technology & Sustainable Development - 2022 (ICATSD 2022)
70Xuan Ngoc Nguyen/Van Nhu Tran, Van Tan Vu, Tien Phuc Dang. 2022-01-01. Evaluation of Rollover Stability of Liquid Tank Truck in the Lane Change 978-3-031-22200-9. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
71Dinh Cong Huong, Dao Thi Hai Yen. 2021-08-22. State and disturbance simultaneous estimation for a class of nonlinear time-delay fractional-order systems 2041-3041. Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
72Dinh Cong Huong, Van Thanh Huynh, Hieu Trinh. 2021-07-26. Design of event-triggered interval functional observers for systems with input and output disturbances 1099-1476. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
73Dinh Cong Huong, Le Ba Thong, Dao Thi Hai Yen. 2021-07-12. Output feedback control and output feedback finite-time control for nonlinear fractional-order interconnected systems 1807-0302. Computational and Applied Mathematics
74Dinh Cong Huong. 2021-06-23. On event‐triggered robust observer‐based control problem of one‐sided Lipschitz time‐delay systems 1934-6093. Asian Journal of Control
75Dinh Cong Huong, Dao Thi Hai Yen, Mai Viet Thuan. 2021-06-22. Design of distributed functional interval observers for large-scale networks impulsive systems 1477-0369. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
76Dinh Cong Huong. 2021-04-05. Event-Triggered Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Neural Networks Systems with Time Delays 1531-5878. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
77Thanh-Tam Nguyen, Cong-Thanh Nguyen, Van-Sy Nguyen, Thanh-Danh Lam, Duc-Nam Nguyen. 2021-01-01. Optimal Design Structure of Sleeper Bus to Enhance Injury Safety of Human in Frontal Collision 2195-4364/978-3-030-69610-8. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
78Võ Tấn Châu, Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ, Trần Anh Tuấn, Nguyễn Minh Trung, Cao Lê Hoàng Hiệp, Dương Trực Nhân. 2021-01-01. Nghiên cứu cải tiến hệ thống nhiên liệu động cơ xe gắn máy ứng dụng nhiên liệu ethanol 2525-2267. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TP.HCM
80Võ Tấn Châu, Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ, Trần Văn Nguyện, Phạm Ngọc Đức, Trần Hoàng Khánh, Dương Đình Hiếu. 2021-01-01. Phát triển hệ thống tạo tải sử dụng động cơ diesel nông nghiệp Vikyno RV125 978-604-920-123-3. Hội nghị khoa học trẻ lần 3
81Võ Tấn Châu, Trần Đăng Long, Huỳnh Bá Vang. 2021-01-01. Thiết kế buồng đo thực nghiệm đặc tính lưu lượng phun tức thời của vòi phun diesel 2615–9910. Tạp chí Cơ Khí Việt Nam
82Ngoc-Thai Huynh , Quoc-manh Nguyen , Lam Kim Thanh Vo. 2021-01-01. Computed Methodology for Design and Optimization on Parameters of a Tensural Displacement Amplifier Employing Flexible Hinges 1024-1752. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments
83Phan Văn Nhựt; Nguyễn Văn Thanh Tiến. 2021-01-01. Experimental Investigation and Manufacture of a Multifunction Electric Wheelbarrow 2195-4356. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
84Đặng Tiến Phúc. 2021-01-01. PHÂN TÍCH ĐẶC TÍNH KHÍ ĐỘNG LỰC XE TIẾT KIỆM NHIÊN LIỆU THAM GIA CUỘC THI HONDA EMC 2525-2267. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ - Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TP.HCM
85Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc, Đỗ Quốc Đạt, Lê Quang Hưng, Hồ Sỹ Huy, Phạm Thế Vĩ, Đặng Văn Hoàng Huy. 2021-01-01. Nghiên cứu chế tạo mô hình phun thuốc điều khiển từ xa 978-604-920-123-3. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị khoa học trẻ lần 3 năm 2021
86Nguyễn Thành Tâm , Vũ Hoàng Phương, Nguyễn Văn Sỹ. 2021-01-01. Design Research for Integrated Safety Seat of Children in Bus Front Collision Condition 21954356,21954364. Springer Nature
88Lương Huỳnh Giang, Lê Việt Hùng, Võ Văn An, Phạm Hồng Thao, Huỳnh Thanh Công. 2021-01-01. A SIMULATION STUDY ON IMPROVEMENT OF VOLUMETRIC EFFICIENCY FOR SMALL ENGINE WITH PROPERLY RE-DESIGNED INTAKE PORT 978-604-73-8487-7. Kiến Trúc Và Xây Dựng Hướng Đến Phát Triển Bền Vững
89Võ Tấn Châu, Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ, Trần Văn Nguyện, Hoàng Hữu Đức, Trịnh Quốc Hưng, Dương Minh Hoàng. 2020-12-16. Thiết kế và chế tạo hệ thống điều khiển độc lập áp suất nhiên liệu trong điều kiện mô phỏng hệ thống nhiên liệu common-rail 2525-2267. Tạp chí khoa học và công nghệ
90Nguyen Huu Sau, Dinh Cong Huong, Mai Viet Thuan. 2020-11-14. New results on reachable sets bounding for delayed positive singular systems with bounded disturbances 1879-2693. Journal of the Franklin Institute
91Dinh Cong Huong, Nguyen Huu Sau. 2020-10-16. Stability and‐gain analysis for discrete‐time positive singular systems with unbounded time‐varying delays 1751-8652. IET Control Theory and Applications
92Dinh Cong Huong. 2020-10-15. Distributed functional observers for fractional-order time-varying interconnected time-delay systems 1807-0302. Computational and Applied Mathematics
93Dinh Cong Huong, Huynh Van Thanh, Hieu Trinh. 2020-09-02. Interval functional observers for time‐delay systems with additive disturbances 1099-1115. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
94Dinh Cong Huong, Dao Thi Hai Yen. 2020-08-16. Functional interval observer design for singular fractional-order systems with disturbances 1879-2693. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
95Dao Thi Hai Yen, Dinh Cong Huong. 2020-08-11. Functional interval observers for nonlinear fractional-order systems with time-varying delays and disturbances 2041-3041. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
96Dinh Cong Huong, Huynh Van Thanh, Hieu Trinh. 2020-06-18. Interval Functional Observers Design for Time-Delay Systems Under Stealthy Attacks 1558-0806. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
97Dinh Cong Huong, Mai Viet Thuan, Duong Thi Hong. 2020-06-16. New Results on Stability and Stabilization of Delayed Caputo Fractional Order Systems with Convex Polytopic Uncertainties 1559-7067. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
98Dinh Cong Huong, Dao Thi Hai Yen. 2020-06-04. Interval observers for linear functions of states and unknown inputs of nonlinear fractional-order systems with time delays 1807-0302. Computational and Applied Mathematics
99Dinh Cong Huong, Van Thanh Huynh, Hieu Trinh. 2020-05-25. Distributed Functional Interval Observers for Nonlinear Interconnected Systems With Time-Delays and Additive Disturbances 1932-8184. IEEE Systems Journal
100Dinh Cong Huong. 2020-04-21. The boundedness of non-autonomous nonlinear time-varying delay difference equations subject to external disturbances and its applications 2306-6172. Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications
101Dinh Cong Huong, Huynh Van Thanh, Hieu Trinh. 2020-04-15. Dynamic event-triggered state observers for a class of nonlinear systems with time delays and disturbances 1558-3791. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
102Dinh Cong Huong, Huynh Van Thanh, Hieu Trinh. 2020-04-09. On Static and Dynamic Triggered Mechanisms for Event-Triggered Control of Uncertain Systems 1531-5878. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
103Dinh Cong Huong, Mai Viet Thuan. 2020-03-16. Mixed H∞ and Passive Control for Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems Via LMI Approach 1572-9036. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae
105Thanh-Tho Ho, Sheng-Jye Hwang. 2020-01-01. Configuration Synthesis of Novel Hybrid Transmission Systems Using a Combination of a Ravigneaux Gear Train and a Simple Planetary Gear Train 1996-1073. Energies
106Nguyễn Huy Cung, Thái Phương Trúc , Đặng Tiến Phúc, Vũ Tân Văn. 2020-01-01. Vai Trò Của Mode Phức Và Liên Kết Mode Đối Với Điều Kiện Mất Ổn Định Galloping Của Cáp Dây Văng Có Gắn Cản Nhớt 1859-1566. Tạp chí Khoa học công nghệ xây dựng
107Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong. 2019-12-14. Robust finite-time stability and stabilization of a class of fractional-order switched nonlinear systems 1559-7067. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
108Dinh Cong Huong, Nguyen Huu Sau. 2019-11-20. Finite-time stability and stabilisation of singular discrete-time linear positive systems with time-varying delay 1464-5319. International Journal of Systems Science
109Dinh Cong Huong. 2019-11-18. Design of functional interval observers for nonlinear fractional-order interconnected systems 1464-5319. International Journal of Systems Science
110Dinh Cong Huong, Van Thanh Huynh, Nguyen Gia Minh Thao. 2019-10-17. Design of Functional Interval Observers for a Battery and Motor Circuit Model of Electric Vehicle 1938-8756. IEEE Conference on Vehicle Power and Propulsion (VPPC)
111Dinh Cong Huong, Huynh Van Thanh, Hieu Trinh. 2019-06-25. Integral outputs-based robust state observers design for time-delay systems 1095-7138. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
112Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong, Nguyen Huu Sau, Quan Thai Ha. 2019-06-21. Unknown input fractional-order functional observer design for one-side Lipschitz time-delay fractional-order systems 1477-0369. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
113Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong. 2019-03-20. Robust guaranteed cost control for time‐delay fractional‐order neural networks systems 1099-1514. OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS
114Thanh-Tho Ho, Sheng-Jye Hwang. 2019-01-01. Configuration synthesis of two-mode hybrid transmission systems with nine-link mechanisms 0094-114X. Mechanism and Machine Theory
115Đỗ Văn Năng, Huỳnh Minh Vương. 2019-01-01. TỔ CHỨC DẠY HỌC VẬT LÍ THEO HƯỚNG TRẢI NGHIỆM THÔNG QUA VIỆC CHẾ TẠO VÀ SỬ DỤNG THÍ NGHIỆM 1859-3100. Tạp chí Khoa học Trường Đại học Sư Phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
116Dang Tien Phuc. 2019-01-01. Mô Phỏng Đặc Tính Khí Động Lực Học Trên Dòng Xe Suv 2525-2267. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ
117Võ Tấn Châu. 2019-01-01. Quan sát chùm tia phun của dầu Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil tại mô phỏng điều kiện động cơ diesel 2525-2267. Tạp chí khoa học và công nghệ-Trường ĐHCN TPHCM
118Lê Việt Hùng, Đỗ Văn Dũng, Nguyễn Anh Thi, Lương Huỳnh Giang. 2019-01-01. Performance Characteristics of Small Diesel DI Engine Using Different Geometry Intake Parts 1662-7482. Applied Mechanics and Materials
119Lê Việt Hùng, Đỗ Văn Dũng, Nguyễn Anh Thi, Lương Huỳnh Giang, Võ Văn An, Đỗ Minh Dũng. 2019-01-01. Improving Characteristics of Diesel Engine by Changing the Engine's Charging and Design Method 2354-1083. Journal of Science and Technology - Technical Universities
120Dinh Cong Huong. 2018-12-13. Interval observers for linear functions of state vectors of linear fractional-order systems with delayed input and delayed output 1099-1115. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
121Mai Viet Thuan, Tran Nguyen Binh, Dinh Cong Huong. 2018-10-15. Finite‐time guaranteed cost control of Caputo fractional‐order neural networks 1934-6093. Asian Journal of Control
122Dinh Cong Huong, Mai Viet Thuan. 2018-08-28. On Reduced-Order Linear Functional Interval Observers for Nonlinear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with External Unknown Disturbances 1531-5878. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
123Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong, Duong Thi Hong. 2018-08-18. New results on robust finite-time passivity for fractional-order neural networks with uncertainties 1573-773X. Neural Processing Letters
124Dinh Cong Huong. 2018-08-14. Design of functional interval observers for non‐linear fractional‐order systems 1934-6093. Asian Journal of Control
125Hieu Trinh, Dinh Cong Huong, Saeid Nahavandi. 2018-04-19. Observer design for positive fractional-order interconnected time-delay Systems 1477-0369. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
126Hieu Trinh, Dinh Cong Huong. 2018-01-10. A new method for designing distributed reduced-order functional observers of interconnected time-delay systems 1879-2693. Journal of the Franklin Institute
127Đặng Tiến Phúc, Nguyễn Tuấn Nghĩa, Nguyễn Hữu Mạnh, Nguyễn Minh Thái, Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc, Võ Văn Lộc. 2018-01-01. Mô phỏng đặc tính khí động lực học mô hình xe buýt lắp ráp tại Việt Nam 978-604-67-1103-2. Kỷ yếu Hội nghị KH&CN Toàn quốc về Cơ khí lần thứ V
128Lê Công Triêm, Quách Nguyễn Bảo Nguyên, Trần Thị Ngọc Ánh, Lê Thị Cẩm Tú,, Nguyễn Thị Nhị, Nguyễn Thanh Hải, Lê Thanh Huy, Đỗ Văn Năng. 2018-01-01. Giải pháp giảng dạy “Hoạt động trải nghiệm” trong đào tạo sinh viên ngành sư phạm vật lý đáp ứng yêu cầu đổi mới giáo dục phổ thông 1859-4603. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Trương Đại học Sư phạm - Đại học Đà Nẵng
130Dinh Cong Huong, Mai Viet Thuan. 2017-12-15. Design of unknown input reduced-order observers for a class of nonlinear fractional-order time-delay systems 1099-1115. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
131Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong. 2017-09-19. New Results on Stabilization of Fractional‐Order Nonlinear Systems via an LMI Approach 1934-6093. Asian Journal of Control
132Mai Viet Thuan, Dinh Cong Huong. 2017-05-02. New Results on Exponential Stability and Passivity Analysis of Delayed Switched Systems with Nonlinear Perturbations 1531-5878. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
133Dinh Cong Huong, Mai Viet Thuan. 2017-03-01. State transformations of time-varying delay systems and their applications to state observer design 1937-1179. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
134Đặng Tiến Phúc, Nguyễn Thành Tâm, Nguyễn Văn Sỹ, Nguyễn Xuân Ngọc. 2017-01-01. Mô phỏng đặc tính khí động lực học mô hình Ahmed 2525-2267. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ trường ĐH Công Nghiệp TPHCM
135C.Vo, C.Charoenphonphanich, P.Karin, S.Sato,H. Kosaka. 2017-01-01. Effects of variable O2 concentrations and injection pressures on the combustion and emissions characteristics of the petro-diesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil-based fuels under the simulated diesel engine condition 1743-9671. Journal of the Energy Institute, ELSEVIER
136Vo Tan Chau, Charoenphonphanich, Karin Preechar, Susumu Sato, Hidenori Kosaka. 2017-01-01. Optical study on combustion characteristics of hydrotreated vegetable oil and blends under simulated CI engine conditions and various EGR 1976-3824. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Springer
137Pop-Paul Ewphun, Vo Tan Chau, Prathan Srichai, Chinda Charoenphonphanich, Susumu Sato, Hidenori Kosaka. 2017-01-01. Combustion characteristics of hydrotreated vegetable oil – diesel blend under EGR and supercharged conditions 1976-3832. International Journal of Automotive Technology
138Sombat Marasri, Pop-Paul Ewphun, Prathan Srichai, Sukit Saeo, Vo Tan Chau, Chinda Charoenphonphanich, Preechar Karin, Manida Tongroon and Hidenori Kosaka. 2017-01-01. Experimental Investigation on Spray Combustion Characteristics of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)-Diesel Blends in Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (CVCC) . 2017 JSAE Annual Spring Congress
140Dinh Cong Huong. 2016-10-07. A fresh approach to the design of observers for time-delay systems 1477-0369. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
141Dinh Cong Huong. 2016-08-20. Persistence and global attractivity for a discretized version of a general model of glucose-insulin interaction 2391-4661. Demonstratio Mathematica
142H. Trinh, D.C. Huong, L.V. Hien, S. Nahavandi. 2016-07-18. Design of reduced-order positive linear functional observers for positive time-delay systems 1558-3791. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
143Dinh Cong Huong, Hieu Trinh. 2016-07-07. New state transformations of time-delay systems with multiple delays and their applications to state observer design 1879-2693. Journal of the Franklin Institute
144Mai Viet Thuan, Hieu Trinh, Dinh Cong Huong. 2016-05-19. Reachable sets bounding for switched systems with time-varying delay and bounded disturbances 1464-5319. International Journal of Systems Science
145Dinh Cong Huong. 2016-04-27. Asymptotic Stability and Strict Boundedness for Non-autonomous Nonlinear Difference Equations with Time-varying Delay 2305-2228. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
146D TienPhuc, G ZhengQi, C Zhen. 2016-01-01. Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field around Generic Formula One 1735-3572. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
147Dang Tien Phuc , Gu Zheng Qi, Tran Dinh Anh Tuan. 2016-01-01. Numerical Study On The Flow Field Structure Of A Sedan Model 0866-7056. Tạp chí Cơ khí Việt Nam
148Pop-Paul Ewphun, Vo Tan Chau, Sukit Saeo, Sombat Marasri, Prathan Srichai, Preechar Karin, Chinda Charoenphonphanich, Nuwong Chollacoop, Hidenori Kosaka. 2016-01-01. Investigation on effect of Hydrotreated vegetable oil– diesel blend percentage to injection characteristic . 2016 JSAE Annual Spring Congress
149Dinh Cong Huong, Hieu Trinh. 2015-10-01. Method for computing state transformations of time‐delay systems 1751-8652. IET Control Theory and Applications
150Nguyễn Văn Sỹ. 2015-01-01. Optimization Design for Spur Gear with Stress-Relieving Holes 0219-8762/1793-6969. International Journal of Computational Methods
151Nguyễn Văn Sỹ. 2015-01-01. Choosing the optimal addendum modification coefficient of external involute spur gear 1448-4846/2204-2253. Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering
152Tien Phuc Dang, Zhengqi Gu, Zhen Chen. 2015-01-01. Numerical simulation of flow field around the race car in case: Stationary wheel and rotating wheels 0961-5539. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
153Đỗ Văn Năng, Lê Công Triêm. 2015-01-01. Rèn luyện cho học sinh kĩ năng làm việc với sách giáo khoa và việc nâng cao hiệu quả dạy học vật lí ở trung học phổ thông 2354-0753. Tạp chí Giáo dục
154Vo Tan Chau, Pop Paul Ewphun, Huynh Thanh Cong, Preechar Krarin, Chinda Charoenphonphanich. 2015-01-01. Experimental study on injection characteristics of hydrotreated vegetable oil- diesel blends using common rail system 978-604-73-3384-4. The 14th Conference on Science and Technology, International Session of Transportation Engineering (CST-ISTE 2015)
155Nguyễn Ngọc Dũng, Nguyễn Quốc Sỹ. 2015-01-01. Simulation Study to Develop Reactivity Control Compression-Ignition Engine (RCCI) 9786046315995. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on sustainable energy
156Dinh Cong Huong, Hieu Trinh, Hieu Minh Tran, Tyrone Fernando. 2014-07-01. Approach to fault detection of time‐delay systems using functional observers 1350-911X. Electronics letters
157Nguyễn Văn Sỹ. 2014-01-01. Optimisation design of reinforced S-shaped frame structure under axial dynamic load 1358-8265/1754-2111. International Journal of Crashworthiness
158Do Van Nang. 2014-01-01. Training the skill to work with textbooks for students in teaching Physics at High School 1906-0653. ICER 2014
159Đỗ Văn Năng, Lê Công Triêm. 2014-01-01. Cấu trúc của sách giáo khoa vật lí ở THPT hiện hành và xu hướng đổi mới 2189608667476. Tạp chí Giáo dục
160Lê Công Triêm, Đỗ Văn Năng. 2014-01-01. Sử dụng kênh hình trong dạy học vật lí 1859-0810. Tạp chí Thiết bị Giáo dục
161Hieu Trinh, Tyrone Fernando, Kianoush Emami, DC Huong. 2013-12-17. Fault detection of dynamical systems using first-order functional observers 2164-7011. 2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems
162Dinh Cong Huong, Nguyen van Mau. 2013-03-01. On a nonlinear difference equation with variable delay 2391-4661. Demonstratio Mathematica
163Lê Công Triêm, Đỗ Văn Năng. 2013-01-01. QUY TRÌNH TỔ CHỨC RÈN LUYỆN CHO HỌC SINH KỸ NĂNG LÀM VIỆC VỚI SÁCH GIÁO KHOA VẬT LÍ TRONG DẠY HỌC THPT . Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học Sau Đại học lần thứ nhất, Nxb Đại học Huế, Huế.
164Vo Tan Chau, Iman K. Reksowadojo, Gilar H. Putra, Tirto Prakoso Brodjonegoro, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, Nguyen Ngoc Dung. 2013-01-01. A Comparative Analysis of Combustion, Vibration, Performance, And Emission Of A Low-Speed IDI-Diesel Engine Fueled With Pure Plant Oils . The 6th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference in Energy Engineering, Bandung, September 6 - 7, 2013
165Vo Tan Chau, Truong Hoai Linh, Phung Minh Loc, Nguyen Ngoc Dung. 2012-01-01. Effects of using blend coconut oil on characteristics of a dircet - injection compression ignition engine 978-604-73-0701-2. The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference in Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, January 10-11, 2012
166Vo Tan Chau, Vo Le Hoai Phuong, Nguyen Quoc Tan, Nguyen Ngoc Dung. 2012-01-01. Performance and Emission Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine by Using Mixed Biodiesel Fuels 978-604-73-0701-2. The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, 2012
167Wiranto ARISMUNANDAR, Iman K. REKSOWARDOJO, Chau Tan VO, Doan Khac DINH, Nana SURJANA, Athol James KILGOUR, Tirto P. BRODJONEGORO, Tatang H. SOERAWIDJAJA. 2012-01-01. Performance and Exhaust Gas Emissions from a "Multi Pure Plant Oil (PPO) Fuel" Diesel Engine . The 6th International Conference on Cooling & Heating Technologies, Xian, China, November 9 – 12, 2012
168Dinh Cong Huong, Nguyen Van Mau. 2012-01-01. On the oscillation and asymptotic behavior for a higer order neutral difference equation 2070-1624. Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия C, Фундаментальные науки
169Hồ Trọng Du, Trương Hoài Linh, Trần Đăng Long, Nguyễn Ngọc Dũng. 2011-01-01. NGHIÊN CỨU THIẾT KẾ HỆ THỐNG PHUN NHIÊN LIỆU CHO XE GẮN MÁY SỬ DỤNG KHÍ SINH HỌC (BIOGAS) . Kỷ yếu Hội nghị Khoa học và Công nghệ lần thứ 12
170Lê Công Triêm, Đỗ Văn Năng. 2011-01-01. Rèn luyện kỹ năng làm việc với kênh hình trong dạy học vật lý cho học sinh THPT 1859-1388. Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Huế
171Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Vo Tan Chau, Tran Dang Long, Nguyen Huu Huong. 2011-01-01. Performance and Emissions of a Direct-Injection Compression Ignition Engine by Using Mixed Biodiesel 2094-8387. The 3rd Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology, Manila, Philippines, March 4 – 5, 2011
172Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Vo Tan Chau, Vo Le Hoai Phuong. 2011-01-01. The influences of using biodiesel from jatropha curcas oil on a direct-injection diesel engine 978-604-73-0661-9. The 4th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on New and Renewable Energy, October 12-13, 2011
173Nguyễn Ngọc Dũng, Võ Tấn Châu, Nguyễn Anh Thi. 2011-01-01. Đặc tính công suất và khí thải động cơ diesel phun nhiên liệu trực tiếp sử dụng hỗn hợp biodiesel 0866-7056. Tạp chí Cơ Khí Việt Nam
174Dinh Cong Huong. 2010-01-01. On the Oscillation, the Convergence, and the Boundedness of Solutions for a Neutral Difference Equation 2615-9341. VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics-Physics
175Dinh Cong Huong. 2009-09-01. Oscillstion for a nonlinear difference equation 2305-221X. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
176Dinh Cong Huong, Nguyen Van Mau. 2009-01-01. On the dynamics of the discrete delay models of Glucose-Insulin systems 2070-1624. Вестник Полоцкого государственного университета. Серия C, Фундаментальные науки
177Dinh Cong Huong. 2008-12-01. Oscilation and Convergence for a Neutral Difference Equation 2615-9341. VNU Journal of Science, Mathematics - Physics
178Dinh Cong Huong, Phan Thanh Nam. 2008-05-01. On Oscillation, Convergence and Boundedness of Solutions of Some Nonlinear Difference Equations with Multiple Delay∗ 2305-221X. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
179Dinh Cong Huong. 2006-01-01. On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of a Nonlinear Difference Equation with Bounded Multiple Delay 2305-221X. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
180Dang Vu Giang, Dinh Cong Huong. 2006-01-01. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of a class of rational recursive sequences 2615-9341. VNU Journal of Science: Mathematics-Physics
181Dang Vu Giang, Dinh Cong Huong. 2005-08-01. EXTINCTION, PERSISTENCE AND GLOBAL STABILITY IN MODELS OF POPULATION GOWTH 1096-0813. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications
182Dang Vu Giang, Dinh Cong Huong. 2005-05-01. Nontrivial periodicity in discrete delay models of population growth 1096-0813. Journal of mathematical analysis and applications
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